Custom Set

$45.00 USD

Any six scents custom prepared to your specifications!

Note: because of a coding issue Lilac Brûlée is only available under "Scent One"
Soft Focus
is only available under "Scent Two."

Experience our fragrances in your life—at your own pace. Love one? You have 28 days to redeem your $21 discount towards any full bottle of your choice. This offer is only available through our website.

Six perfume samples in mini-spray vials, each containing 25 half-sprays. The entire set provides a month of daily fragrance. 


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Toasted Lilac

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Synesthesia Card Set

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Honey Cedar

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Customer Reviews

Based on 58 reviews
Mae F.

Vetiverissimo and Ummagumma are AMAZING! Corpse Reviver was also nice, but it didn’t wow me like Ummagumma. Feu Secret was beautiful, yet a bit too masculine for my tastes and worked much better on my husband’s body chem. Poof didn’t smell like the notes listed on me, unfortunately. It was more like a powdery aldehyde and I just didn’t like it on me. My husband, however, loved it on me, so I dunno.

No complaints about silage on any of these babies! They are all beautiful scents in their own right . I purchased a second custom discovery set that should arrive today, so I’m excited to try the new batch!

Margaret K.
Think I found a winner!

Or maybe not. I’ve had some trouble with the samples: Vetiverissimo squirted out in droplets instead of mist, and Soft Focus won’t do anything at all. Having said that, Monserrat is just what I was hoping for. I recently moved from Florida to California in order to be near my daughter and I am homesick. Despite the name, Monserrat is Florida in a bottle. The grapefruit grove behind my house, the salt marshes, the old beachfront hotels: all there!

Hello Margaret,

We are delighted that Monserrat is conjuring warm memories of home! Thank you for alerting us to the issue with the sprayers.
Replacements will be sent immediately.
Please reach out to if you have any further questions or issues.

Elaina G.
Mostly dissatisfied

Of the six scents I tried, there were two that I liked. Corpse revival and umma gumma. Neither one lasted very long. The other scents reminded me of walking into the At Home store. They were not particularly unique or interesting, with the exception of Five Squared. It lasted all day and smelled like soap and cedar wood. I found it intriguing but the husband said it smelled like a department store bathroom. Finally, regarding the samples themselves. A couple of them didn’t spray well, just kind of dribbled.

Loved it !!

Loved all the samples can’t wait to order full bottles.
Well crafted, elegant and unique scents. Absolutely recommend.


For me, the custom sample set was the perfect way to find something I really enjoyed. I’m so happy with my purchase. If you’re like me, someone who is exploring, I highly recommend you do the same.